We are talent resource & manpower recruitment firm, our team consists of recruitment experts from the various field of manpower required, be it hospitality, engineering, Sr. Management or for that matter even supply BLUE collared manpower.
We can find you the right candidate for job specifications & in terms of fitment. This helps you to reduce the performance turnaround time.
Our company has a resource database which we can use for speedy and urgent requirements, we can handle all your recruitment processes with a sincere and dedicated commitment
Detailed Process Of Requirement Process
Advertisement in Different Media
The advertisement of the requirements from foreign company is likely to be kept in National Daily Newspaper based on the necessity of the employer
We ensure all candidates are pre-screened before they sit for an interview with the Client
Interview by Employer Representative
Pre-screened candidates are selected for final interview with the client.
Medical Test
: Once selected we ensure proper medicals are done through authorized clinics.
Orientation of the chosen Candidates
Medically fit candidates would go through an orientation and all dos and don'ts explained as per the countries emigration laws.
Visa authorized
we collect all documents required for the visa processing and get it completed.
Final Agreement
The Final agreement is offered once by the Department of Foreign Affairs earlier than the procedure of applicants.
Preparation for Deployment
Within 45 days of carrying out all the above procedure, the candidates will at last be deployed to relevant companies as an employee.
Obtain demand for requirements from Clients
Sign agreement
Share database of screened candidates with clients
Client Interviews & Selection
Receive Offer letters Deployment of selected Candidates